Welcome to the Ultimate Guide to Ontario Pubs!
The main goal of OntarioPUBs.ca is to create the ultimate guide to pubs located in Ontario, Canada. There are hundreds of amazing pubs located all over Ontario and we want to showcase them to our visitors through our website.
OntarioPUBs.ca allows you to:
OntarioPUBs.ca allows you to:
- Share your opinions and insights about specific pubs
- Get glimpse of how pubs look inside
- Find out what’s happening in pubs all over Ontario
- Discover new and interesting pubs
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Attention Pub Owners!
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contact us to schedule us to visit your pub & include it
on our website
By being a member of our Pub Owner Program you can upload new photos, upload your latest food menus, add new events and much more…
contact us to schedule us to visit your pub & include it
on our website
Join our Pub Owner Program today!
Our Pub Owner Program allows you to promote your pub and your events to people that are both your regular and non-regular customers. By being a member of our Pub Owner Program you can upload new photos, upload your latest food menus, add new events and much more…

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